Category Archives: Republicans

There’s An Arch-Conservative Woman Drawing A Crowd in Texas Politics

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And it’s not Sarah Palin.  Her name is Debra Medina and right now she’s polling right at 16% in the GOP primary race.  Here she is:

She has participated in the Texas Tea Party movement and she spoke at last summer’s gathering of Texas secessionists at the State Capitol.  And yes, she did call for secession.  Here is her speech:

The two big planks of the Medina platform deal with property taxes and gun ownership.  Medina refers to property taxes as “rent” being paid to the state.  So the elimination of property taxes is an essential step to take in her framework of property ownership.  Her revenue-raising alternative is to broaden the base of the Texas state sales tax.   One thing she is unclear about is whether she is in favor of taxing the food Texans buy at the grocery store, which is currently sales tax exempt.

Gun ownership and the training of Texas citizenry in the use of guns follows right behind the property tax issue.  Gun ownership is a sacred right in the Lone Star state; generations of Texas youth–myself included–have grown up learning to use firearms.  My dad (a liberal, Yellow-Dog Democrat) was merely following through on his paternal responsibility when he put a .22 rifle in my little hands and then taught me the safety rules that naturally precede going out to the country and doing a little plinking.  And plinking naturally preceded learning how to hunt.  It also led to target shooting, which is a favorite sport among gun owners.   Medina has tapped into a fundamental vein of Texas culture here, as she speaks to the irrational fear that Barack Obama is going to come and take people’s guns away.  In the words of Mr. T, I pity the fool that would ever attempt to take guns away from Texans.

Then comes the issue of sovereignty (secession), which began to catch fire primarily in the southern states soon after the election of Barack Obama as President.  Medina says this on her website:

Texas must stop the over reaching federal government and nullify federal mandates in agriculture, energy, education, healthcare, industry, and any other areas D.C. is not granted authority by the Constitution.

One wonders if this would include federal ag subsidies and EPA restrictions on what power companies and other industries might dump in Texas waterways or expel into the atmosphere (not that the EPA’s regulations are all that stringent or enforced.)  What about the protective FDA regulations that (should) call for sanitary conditions in meat packing plants?  Would she opt out of the federal highway and transportation system?  If so, how will Texas continue to maintain its highway infrastructure?  Wouldn’t such a move necessitate handing even more Texas roads over to private toll road companies?

Debra Medina will likely lose the primary, but perhaps force Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchison into a run-off.   Win or lose, she is likely going to remain an active force in Texas politics.  Like Sarah Palin, Deb Medina won’t fade back into the scenery.  And though Deb isn’t the beauty pageant type, she is an attractive, outspoken, glasses-wearing female politician.  Expect her to run again in ’14.  Depending on how bad or good things get between now and then, she may have a fighting chance to win.  And if she does, the normally whacked-out state of affairs known as Texas politics will become even crazier.

I know.  You’re wondering, given the current situation, how getting even crazier might be possible.  But I look at the current occupant of the governor’s mansion and think back to 1978, when an unheralded oilman named Bill Clements came out of nowhere to clobber the Democratic candidate for governor, John Hill.  Clements’ win was historic: he was the first Republican governor to be elected since Reconstruction.  I remember the atrocious, ham-handed way he attempted to govern, how the Lege had to school him a bit, how coarse  and pugnacious his speeches and press statements were, and I remember thinking then that his election set an all-time low in Texas politics.   Little did we know  that this was only the initial stage of sinking for the good ship “Political Gravitas.”   The ascendancy of  George W. Bush and Karl Rove to the Texas political main-stage heralded the onset of new lows.  And amazingly, W.’s understudy, Rick Perry, has plumbed uncharted depths in his secessionist rantings, his selling off Texas roads to private toll road firms, and his Big Pharma connections with Merk that relate to his attempt to require that all Texas girls be immunized with Merk’s  HPV vaccine, Gardasil.

The one thing Debra Medina would seem to offer that is sorely lacking in the governor’s office at the moment is integrity.  Watch her in action and it becomes apparent that she truly believes in and is passionate about her intent to honestly represent “We Texans.”  If the incumbent wins re-election, as the polls suggest he will, then maybe the stage will be set for 2014, when another victorious candidate might just swoop in from the margins.  Perhaps, in the long term, that is what Debra Medina is counting on.

Stewart Hammers Fox News For Cutting Off Obama’s GOP Q&A

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Scozzafava Now A Verb in Roiling Republican Politics

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The Washington Post profiles Dede Scozzafava, the incumbent Republican Congresswoman from Upstate New York’s 23rd District, whose last-minute withdrawal and subsequent endorsement of Democrat Bill Owens led to the district’s election of  the first Democratic representative since the 19th century.

The article reveals a modest, mainstream, small-town, church-going woman who was unexpectedly caught up and chewed up by the hardcore tactics of the hardcore right wing.

Two key excerpts:

Even as she now hopes to return to her normal life of local politics, laundry and choir practice for next month’s big performance of Bach’s Christmas Cantatas, the political forces that swept her up have not entirely let her go. Last week, while watching a news show about the next sharply contested Senate Republican primary in Florida, her parents reported that one of the commentators asked whether the moderate was in peril of getting “Scozzafaved.”


In the summer, Scozzafava and her husband, Ron McDougall, a local labor leader, retreated to their summer house at the end of a dirt road on Sylvia Lake. The place has no TV reception — a good thing, she said, given all the attack ads against her funded by the Club for Growth, the anti-tax group backing Hoffman. Still, she wasn’t entirely isolated. She heard through friends that Palin insinuated she had been “anointed” by a “political machine” because county chairs handpicked her as the nominee. Beck denounced her as “ACORN-supported” and an “Obama-Lite Republican.” Former House majority leader Dick Armey’s group FreedomWorks mobilized against her. She said she heard conservative robo-calls in the district describing her as a “child killer,” a “lesbian lover” and a “homo.”

GOP May Wish To Re-Calibrate Moral Compass

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And After All, Laughter is the Best Medicine

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Right-Wing Political Extremists Now Using Organized Thuggery to Disrupt Town Hall Heathcare Meetings

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Remember the riot-scene in Palm Beach during the recount after the 2000 presidential election?  Remember how this mob scared the living crap out the folks trying to conduct the recount, screaming in the hallway, banging on the glass windows?  Remember how much later it was revealed that the Republican Party  flew and bussed these political operatives into Palm Beach from other parts of the country to form this “rent-a-riot?”

Well, they’re at it again.  Think Progress has learned that at least one far-right political lobbying firm has dispersed operatives throughout the country to try and disrupt town hall meetings on healthcare.  They aren’t being sent out with talking points.  They’re being sent out with intimidation tactics. Their strategy is to blunt any discourse by shouting down any candidate or audience member, unmercifully heckling them at top volume to keep them from being heard.  There are instructions on how operatives are to space themselves throughout the crowd to give the illusion of a greater number of angry people.

They have succeeded in shutting down the town hall agenda of Congressman Tim Bishop, D-NY, according to Politico:

“I had felt they would be pointless.  There is no point in meeting with my constituents and [to] listen to them and have them listen to you if what is basically an unruly mob prevents you from having an intelligent conversation.”

In Bishop’s case, his decision came on the heels of a June 22 event he held in Setauket, N.Y., in which protesters dominated the meeting by shouting criticisms at the congressman for his positions on energy policy, health care and the bailout of the auto industry.

Within an hour of the disruption, police were called in to escort the 59-year-old Democrat — who has held more than 100 town hall meetings since he was elected in 2002 — to his car safely.

“I have no problem with someone disagreeing with positions I hold,” Bishop said, noting that, for the time being, he was using other platforms to communicate with his constituents. “But I also believe no one is served if you can’t talk through differences.”

It’s going to be a long, hot and roiling mob rest of the summer if the right-wing corporate lobbyists have anything to say about it.    But maybe we just might have a say about it as well.  Might be worth checking out your local representative’s meeting schedule to see if it’s possible to mount some sort of rational pushback that would help restore a sense of decent discourse.

Andrew Sullivan Won’t Dismiss Sarah Palin

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I find that his conservative viewpoint is almost always unique, insightful and refreshing, and here is a prime instance of Sullivan driving the right nail with the right hammer:

What happened last fall was a warning sign to all of us about how corrupt and cynical the GOP, McCain and the MSM (Mainstream Media) are. They colluded in such a way that this unstable, erratic, know-nothing beauty queen could actually have been president of the United States. What matters is that all those in on this scam be exposed and their way of conducting themselves be reformed until they stop risking the fate of the country and the world on their own vanities and cowardice.

More here.

Jesse Body Slams Biggus Dickus

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A sign of the Apocalypse: Jesse Ventura is the voice of reason in the national torture debate.  h/t: Kos

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Bringing the Torture Debate Back to the Central Issues

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And away from the GOP spin machine, which merely wants to tar Nancy Pelosi with the usual “what did she know, when did she know it?” type of smear/scandal generation.  It’s amazing this has gotten so much traction, especially given John Boehner’s role as House Majority Leader when torture was was being carried out according to Bush Administration policy.  A better question to ask the Republicans once in charge of both houses of Congress is why they shirked their oversight duties and essentially gave the Bushies a blank check–in so many different respects.

Hat tip to Crooks and Liars and to The Great Orange Satan

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Quote for the Day–A “Purified” Political Party

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This election did not destroy the Republican base–it purified it.  The sane people have all left.  When McCain picked Palin, that was a gut-check for Republicans.  Are they going to go down the path, which is the Bush legacy of this super-Christ-y, anti-intellectual party?  Or are you going to go in a more sane direction that was the old-school Republican Party of David Brooks and Peggy Noonan, Christopher Buckley?   Those people checked out, so all you have left now are the wing nuts.  You have the Sean Hannitys and the Palins and the Bill Kristols–or as I call them, “The Axis of Stupid.”  The Republican base has been purified, the same way that crack can be purified out of cocaine.  Or at least that’s how Amy Winehouse explained it to me.

Bill Maher, interviewed in the March 5, 2009 Rolling Stone