Gay Anarchist Arrested in Vandalism of Denver Democratic Party Headquarters

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Nobody told me there’d be days like these,

Nobody told me there’d be days like these,

Nobody told me there’d be days like these,

Strange days indeed.    — John Lennon

Denver police arrested a transgendered anarchist, Maurice Schwenkler, also known as “Ariel Attack,” in the vandalism of the Denver Democratic Party headquarters in the early morning hours this past Tuesday.  Police said at least two hammer-wielding bicycle riders were responsible for the damage.  Ariel Attack was apprehended after police pursuit.

The motive for the vandalism remains unclear.   Ariel Attack has been linked with several anarchist and radical gay groups, including Denver Bash Back!

The Colorado Independent reports that Schwenkler was paid last November by a get-out-the-vote group working on behalf of the Democrats.  Yet Schwenkler also recently posted to the Queers Against Obama blog, denouncing Obama’s stance on the military’s “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy.

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